Sunday, September 03, 2006

Crazy Cats and Other Trivia

Aha, another boring afternoon with little or nothing to do. Read the paper, get depressed, etc. Seems that humans are kinder to their pets than they are to each other these days. There is the story about the family in Detroit that lost 6 children to a fire..Seems they didn't have electricity for over a month so they were using candles to light the aparment, and poof! One of the lady's eight kids knocked over a candle. Seems someone could have helped them with their bill? We are busy sending money to support a war but we have citizens that are livinf life as if they were in a third world country. Seems strange that BushCo goes around pounding the drum of "I'm a Christian" while he is busy lining his pockets with the sorrow of others..Someday he will have to answer to the Almighty and what is he going to do? Try to start a war!? My cats are smarter than he is!

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