Friday, December 15, 2006

Asalaamu alaikum, peace to all:

Today was Jummah. A glorious sunny day! and my first time at the local Islamic center where we were not screened off from seeing the speaker of the Kutba. The Kutba is a sermon that is similar to the Sunday sermon give at a Christian church, and is upbuilding and usually touches on a subject. Today the topic was sincerity. Sincerity in worship, in our service to God. We were visited by the minister of a local episcopol congregation and the Rabbi of the major Jewish congregation in town. How wonderful these people are! They are joining us in eradicating the Islamiphobia that prevails and helping to educate the American public to the fact that we are not terrorists and that we are peaceful people of faith. Alhamdullilah...We are richly blessed to have such great persons in our midst, may Allah (swt) watch over all!


1 comment:

kadooj said...

Asalaam u alaikum sister maryah...
I enjoyed your post! Islamaphobia is everywhere...I imagine it is worst in the midwest. I've decided to try and post more about my experiences as a nurse and as a muslim...very hard to separate the two these days anyway...feel free to also email me anytime at
jazaki Allah kheir for your encouragement and your being here too! barakAllah fiki