Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Gallbladders and other middle age fare...

Assalaamu alaikum:
Well I certainly am off my fast now! Last Tuesday I started my female week, and a huge wave of nausea accompanied it! I missed 3 days of work, seems I have several of the factors that could indicate gall bladder problems. The 5 F's as they call it, fair, forty, fat, female and I was fertile. Mashallah,I have lost 15 lbs in one week alone! It seems the dates stirred up my gallbladder. So I guess I am sort of fasting after a fashion, I can consume only clear liquids. I thought I was going to die last night and even wrote my will! As least now I am below 200 lbs! And this is throwing the responsibility back to my husband to take care of me, this is a new concept. I have always been the provider and now he must take it on! I pray to Allah for strength and the return of my health, He knows best! Will be back when I'm better!

Oh my aching back!!!

Anyone have any cures for nausea? The meds make me sick! I will be back in a few minutes, have to run to the loo!