Tuesday, November 21, 2006

6 Imams and 2 Priests......

Alhamdullilah, things never seem to stop amazing me!

Seems that south of here, at Fort Huachuca, AZ, at the US Army intelligence school, two Priests were arrested when they brazenly entered this army post to protest the training of US intelligence personnel in the methods of torture.

May Allah (swt) watch over these brave men and guide them on their paths.

Then, in Minnesota, the state of the first elected Muslim Congressman, 6 imama (Muslim clerics) were tossed off the plane becuase someone was afraid of their praying.

HMMM...would they toss off a Catholic Nun for praying the rosary? I think not.

Seems as if not all Americans are allowed to have freedom of religion..

Especially if you are Muslim.