Sunday, July 30, 2006

As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu:
Just another rainy day on the desert. It is the monsoon season, and when it rains
all it does is POUR! We have beautiful sunsets when it does stop, but we have massive flooding and road closures, and the dry river beds are running bank to bank! We still have people who try to drive through
flooded washes, when will they ever learn!

I am still grateful to our Creator for giving us such a beautiful world to live in, Insha'allah people will learn to be more grateful for what they have and quit trying to attain more than they need!
If we could only learn to live in peace, and stop having such jealous differences!
Wa Salaam until later,

Maryah R

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Violence in the middle east....

How sad, and how unreal the situation in the Middle East. Which bully started throwing rocks first? It reminds me of a bunch of third graders bickering on the playground. For what? for years the Israelis have flexed their American supplied military might at the palestinians who really have little but their pride and family. It is like shooting a patriot missile at the guy driving his family to market in a Donkey drawn cart. Or shooting million dollar missiles at camels? The ones getting hurt are the innocent bystanders, men women and children who simply want to live their lives in peace.

It is different here in the US. In the town where I live, most of the local Jewish folk and the members of the Muslim Ummah (community) work together on projects to inform the public and dispel myths. Jews and Christians are referred to as the People of the Book in the Qur'an, so we must be respectful and listen to their views. We are all accountable to God in the Last Day, and will stand before Him side by side and account to Him. Alhamdullilah that we may prove worthy!